2020-10-08 07:12. Investmentbolaget Ratos avyttrar sitt 70-procentiga innehav i dataanalysbolaget Bisnode till partnern Dun & Bradstreet till ett pris som baseras på ett företagsvärde om 7,2 miljarder kronor. Övriga aktier i Bisnode, som ägs av Bonnier, säljs också till Dun & Bradstreet.
Ratos säljer data- och analysföretaget Bisnode till Dun & Bradstreet för en köpeskilling baserad på ett enterprise value om cirka 7 200 MSEK,
Publicerad: 2020-10-08 (Cision) Ratos AB: Ratos säljer Bisnode till Dun & Bradstreet. Publicerad: 2020-10-08 (Cision) Short Hills, NJ, January 11, 202 1: D un & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc. (“Dun & Bradstreet” or the “Company”) (NYSE:DNB), a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, through its subsidiary Dun & Bradstreet Holdings BV, today announced that it has completed its acquisition of Bisnode Business Information Group AB (“Bisnode”), a leading European data and 2020-10-08 05:45:00 Ratos AB: Ratos divests Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet +6,04% | 108 MSEK. 2020-10-08 05:45:00 Ratos AB: Ratos säljer Bisnode till Dun & Bradstreet +6,04% | 108 MSEK. 2020-10-05 08:30:00 Ratos AB: Telefonkonferens 22 oktober i samband med delårsrapport januari-september +0,55% | 17,5 MSEK. Dun Bradstreet Holdings, Inc. (“Dun Bradstreet” or the “Company”) (NYSE:DNB), a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, through its subsidiary Dun Bradstreet Holdings BV, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase the outstanding shares of Bisnode Business Information Group AB (“Bisnode”), a leading European data and 2021-01-11 · Dun & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc., a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, through its subsidiary Dun & Bradstreet Holdings BV, today announced that it has completed its acquisition of Bisnode Business Information Group AB, a leading European data and analytics firm and long-standing member of the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network, for an enterprise value of 7.2B SEK. Dun & Bradstreet Completes Acquisition of Bisnode, 2021. Dun & Bradstreet Enters Into Agreement to Acquire Bisnode, a Leading European Data & Analytics Ratos: Ratos divests Q-Labs. May 24 Ratos får cirka 3,9 miljarder kronor för sin 70-procentiga andel och gör en reavinst om cirka 2 miljarder kronor.
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This divestment has now been completed after the customary regulatory approval and other conditions were met, including payment of the equity value. U.S. business analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet Holdings Inc said on Wednesday it would acquire European data and analytics firm Bisnode from Swedish private equity firm Ratos AB. A dds details from Ratos and Bonnier have signed an agreement to sell their entire holdings in Bisnode, excluding its business operations in Belgium, to Bisnode's partner Dun & Bradstreet for an approximate enterprise value of SEK 7.2 billion, corresponding to an EV/EBITA multiple of 13.8x and an approximate equity value of SEK 5.54 billion. Ratos completes divestment of Bisnode admin January 11, 2021 On 8 October, Ratos announced that an agreement had been signed to divest Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet. This divestment has now been completed after the customary regulatory approval and other conditions were met, including payment of the equity value. On 8 October, Ratos announced that an agreement had been signed to divest Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet.
04.101.6. Bisnode - 10 lærdommer fra europeiske ledere om digitalisering og bruk av data Dun & Bradstreet C19 Index: Overvåk risikoen hos dine kunder og
The project to construct the Multibrugerhuset building and the towers includes the construction of office buildings, residential units, hotel apartments, retail units and a health centre in the Company profile page for Ratos AB including stock price, company news, press releases, Dun & Bradstreet Completes Acquisition of Bisnode, a Leading European Data & Analytics Business. Jan 11, 2021 · Ratos: Ratos divests On 8 October, Ratos announced that an agreement had been signed to divest Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet. This divestment has now been completed after the 2020年10月8日 DJ Ratos Sells Bisnode Stake to Dun & Bradstreet as Part of $807 Mln Deal By Dominic Chopping STOCKHOLM--Swedish private-equity 7 Oct 2020 "We are pleased to bring Bisnode into the Dun & Bradstreet family possible outcomes such as a forced breakup or divestment of assets. Stockopedia rates Ratos AB as a Adventurous Super Stock .
In addition, Ratos will receive a dividend from Bisnode during the fourth quarter 2020 amounting to SEK 175m. 75% of the equity value comprises a cash consideration, and 25% of shares in Dun & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc., corresponding to approximately 1% of shares outstanding.
Presentation. SLIDES. The transaction forms part of the development of Ratos into a group of companies with a focus on profitable growth. Ratos is selling the data and analytics company Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet for a purchase price based on an approximate enterprise value of SEK 7,200m, representing an EV/EBITA multiple of 13,8x.
Over the past two years, About Dun &
The transaction forms part of the development of Ratos into a group of companies with a focus on profitable growth.
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Ratos divests Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet The transaction forms part of the development of Ratos into a group of companies with a focus on profitable growth.. Ratos continued development towards a group of companies with a focus on profitable growth. Over the past two years, About Dun & The transaction forms part of the development of Ratos into a group of companies with a focus on profitable growth.
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11 Jan 2021 The International Advisory Board is to be Chaired by Neeraj Sahai, with the inclusion of Jonas Wiström, Chief Executive Officer for Ratos AB.
Ratos AB ("Ratos") has signed an agreement to sell its entire 70% holding in Bisnode AB ("Bisnode"), excluding the business operations in Belgium, to Bisnode's partner Dun & Bradstreet for an approximate enterprise value of SEK 7,200m, corresponding to an EV/EBITA multiple of 13,8x and an approximate equity value of SEK 3,900m. Ratos divests Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet. Information below.
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On 8 October, Ratos announced that an agreement had been signed to divest Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet. This divestment has now been
Målet är att erbjuda ett långsiktigt och hållbart ägande samt skapa värde åt sina aktieägare, vilket uppnås genom ett aktivt ägande. Press Conference Presentation.